Order not yet placed
It’s easy to update your address for future orders. Just head over your account settings.
Under "Addresses" select "Edit" to update your default delivery address.
You can also delete saved addresses by selecting the bin icon or "Add new address" if you would like your next order to be shipped to a new address.
You can also change your delivery address in the checkout section called "Your Details" when placing your next order. You can do this by selecting "Enter a new address":
Order placed
If you wish to change your delivery address (excluding a change of country) simply head over to the order overview in your account and click on "View details". In "Order details" you will see "Request to change address":
Enter your updated delivery address and click "Save". It will only take a couple of minutes to update. Once updated you will see a confirmation message "Your delivery address was successfully updated". The updated delivery address can also be seen on your shipping confirmation email and in My Account.
If you are not able to select "Request to change address" (it is greyed out/missing), it is no longer possible to change the delivery address as the order has already been shipped.